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Program/Rental Waiver

Each program or rental participant must read and complete the following waiver prior to participation.


In consideration of the services of Full Psych Adventures, LLC., on behalf of myself and any child(ren) in my care, I agree to the following: 


1. I acknowledge that participation in the Full Psych Adventures program involves known and unanticipated risks, which could lead to physical injury, paralysis, death, or damage to the participants and property. The inherent risks of the program may include (but are not limited to) : dehydration, muscle strains or sprains, crashes or collisions with objects or other people, concussions, bone breaks, abrasions, cuts, blisters, exposure to bug biting insects and the infectious diseases they may carry, exposure to poisonous plants, drowning, sunburn, frostbite, other heat and/or cold related illnesses, cardiac arrest, eye and ear injuries, trips and falls, and instructor misjudgment or other human error. I understand Full Psych Adventures does not seek to eliminate all the risks of my activities because some are part of adventurous sports. I agree to assume the inherent risks and all other risks of the activities. 


2. I acknowledge that instructors cannot pay continuous attention to everyone and cannot be responsible for participants’ safety at all times. I understand I (or a child in my care) share(s) responsibility for my (or his/ her) safety. I (or child in my care) will report to the instructors any injuries or any unsafe or dangerous situations. I also understand that Full Psych Adventures is not responsible for weather, terrain, wildlife, or equipment failure and that they may cause or contribute to an injury or property damage. If I (or child in my care) elect(s) to not complete the program, I understand that the person(s) will be unsupervised and Full Psych Adventures cannot be responsible for their safety. Full Psych Adventures is not responsible for participants during free time or during activities that are not run by Full Psych Adventures. 


3. I understand Full Psych Adventures sometimes uses third party vendors to provide activities, food, lodging, or other goods and services. While Full Psych Adventures endeavors to work with responsible vendors, those parties are outside Full Psych Adventures’ control and thus Full Psych Adventures is not responsible for their acts or omissions. 


4. I agree, to the fullest extent allowed by law, to release, discharge, and indemnify (meaning to pay or reimburse Full Psych Adventures for any money it is required to pay, including attorneys’ fees and costs) Full Psych Adventures from any and all claims or liabilities arising from or connected with participation in the program by me, other parties, my children, or any children in my care, as well as and all claims and liabilities arising from or connected with our use of equipment, the use of third party vendors, or our presence on Full Psych Adventure premises, or on any property owned by others where Full Psych Adventure programs’ activities are conducted. This release and indemnity include any claim arising during free time and any claims for negligence (but not gross negligence), breach of contract, wrongful death, or any other type of suit. Any dispute arising from this release or attempt to bring a claim shall be governed by Pennsylvania law and resolved via binding arbitration. Each party waives its right to a trial by jury. Any arbitration award rendered shall be final. 


5. I understand it is my responsibility to determine if I am (or any child in my care) capable of participating in the activities safely. I certify that I have (and any child in my care has) no medical condition or restriction that prevents us from safely participating in this program. 


6. On behalf of myself and any children in my care, I give Full Psych Adventures permission to give or secure emergency care or other treatment that may become necessary and agree to pay for such care. I authorize the release of medical information to rescue or medical personnel. 


7. I consent, and consent on behalf of any children in my care, to be photographed/filmed while participating in this program and for Full Psych Adventures to use any such films, photographs, testimonials, likenesses, of photos I provide for any purpose, including training, advertising, catalogs, displays, media publications including newspapers and magazines, and social media without compensation or prior approval. 


8. I understand that the above provisions, including the release and indemnity apply to me, my child(ren), and any children in my care as well as to each of our heirs, insurers, successors and assigns. Any portion of this document deemed unlawful or unenforceable is severable and may be stricken. The remaining provisions will remain in effect. 


FULL PSYCH ADVENTURE, LLC Participant Agreement and Liability Release Form


9. I understand that I am completely responsible for any and all personal equipment that I (or the children in my care)bring on this program or any equipment I rent, the damage or theft of it, any personal damage it may cause me, the children in my care, or others, and any damage to other property owned by myself or others. 


10. This Participant Agreement and Liability Release Form applies to any and all activities I (or any children in my care) participate(s) in with Full Psych Adventures during the calendar year in which it is signed unless revoked in writing and received before participating in any Full Psych Adventures activities. If revoked, I understand Full Psych Adventures will not allow me or any children in my care to participate in any activities. 


I have read, understand, and agree to the above terms and warnings. I agree for myself and any children in my care, to be bound by these terms. 


If participant is under the age of 18 at the time this document is signed, a parent or responsible party must sign the release in addition to the participant signing. 

Please list below the full names of all the children in your care for whom you are responsible.

If children are age 15 or older, please have the children sign below to acknowledge they have read, understand, and agree to be bound by this document.

Your waiver has been submitted!

©2020 by Full Psych Adventure Team 501(c)(3) and Full Psych Adventures, LLC

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